RULES FOR AUTHORS of the scientific and pedagogical journal "Bilim"

 Conditions for publishing an article:

- To ensure the integrity of scientific research, authors need to adhere to the international standards of scientific publication.

- By submitting an article, the author guarantees that the article is original and has not been previously published in another source in current or similar form meaning the article has not been submitted to other publishers. Translations of articles published in other languages will not be accepted.

- Research results should be specific, with unadulterated data. Disciplinary rules of collection, selection and processing of materials should be followed.

- The order of authors in the article is determined by the authors themselves and remains unchanged after submission to the editorial board. Addition or deletion of authors during the editing stages is not allowed. Also, it is not allowed to change authors after the article is accepted by the editorial board.

- No more than one manuscript from one author or the same author in a team of co-authors is allowed per issue.

- The number of co-authors of one article should not exceed 4.

- The degree of originality of the article should be at least 70% (according to the decision of the editorial board).

If the article is rejected by anti-plagiarism or reviewer, the article is returned to the author for revision. The author can resubmit the article 1 time for anti-plagiarism or reviewing.

The author is responsible for the content of the article.

The editorial board is not engaged in literary and stylistic processing of the article.

Articles, which are not in compliance with the requirements, will not be accepted for publication and will be returned to the authors.

The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt of its final version by the editorial office.

The person who made the greatest intellectual contribution to the preparation of the manuscript (with two or more co-authors) is the corresponding author and is designated by "*".

If authors are from different institutions, then they are indicated by numbers 1,2.

Articles are published as they are received. The journal is formed based on the number of no more than 20 articles in one issue.

Priority areas:

1) Educational policy, innovation and digitalization in the educational process;

2) Management in secondary education;

3) Teaching methodology;

4) Nurturing and personal development;

5) Special and inclusive education;

6) Continuing teacher education.

Language of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English, German, French and Turkish.

Scientific article – a statement of own conclusions and intermediate or final results of scientific research, experimental or analytical activities, containing the author's developments, conclusions, recommendations previously unpublished and possessing novelty; or devoted to the consideration of previously published scientific articles related to a common theme (systematic review).

The structure of the research article includes the title, abstract, keywords, main provisions, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, information on funding (if any), list of references.

The volume of the article (excluding the title, information about the authors, abstract, keywords, bibliography list) should be at least 2,000 words and not exceed 5,000 words. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format.

Research articles should be designed according to the basic publishing standards for the design of articles in accordance with GOST 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information editions. Publishing design of published materials", prefatory bibliographic lists in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation".

The electronic version of the article is provided to the editorial office.


- Format - Microsoft Office Word for WINDOWS.

- Typeface - Times New Roman (for Russian and English languages), KZ Times New Roman (for Kazakh language).

- Font size of the main text - 14 points, font color - black.

- Margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm.

- Text alignment by the width of the page.

- Paragraph indent - 1.0.

- Line spacing of the main text - 1.0. There should be no additional interline spaces and intervals between paragraphs.

- When typing the text, no styles are allowed, and no columns are set.

- Notes are not allowed in margins.

- Italics and boldface are accepted.

- A hyphen should be distinguished from a dash.

- Illustrations, list of figures and captions to them are presented according to the text of the article. In the electronic version, figures and illustrations are presented in TIF or JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 ppi.

- Mathematical formulas should be typed in Microsoft Equation Editor (each formula - one object).

ARTICLE STRUCTURE (for more details see "Sample of article design"):

- IRSTI (interstate rubricator of scientific technical information);

- title of the article (bold font, in three languages: Russian, Kazakh, English);

- initials and surname(s) of the author(s) - in Kazakh, Russian and English (bold type);

- affiliation (place of work/study, city, country) in Kazakh, Russian and English.

- The abstract should summarize the purpose of the research, main results, and main conclusions. The abstract is a meaningful summary of the whole document written in one paragraph (150-300 words (italics, bold, 12-point font).

- The abstract should be informative and structured. It is given in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages.

- keywords - a set of words reflecting the content of the text in terms of the object, research area and research methods. The recommended number of key words is 4-8, the number of words within a key phrase is no more than three, they are given in the order of their importance, i.e., the most important key word of the article should be the first in the list.

The text of the article is presented in a certain sequence of its parts and includes:

- Introduction. The introduction reflects the results of previous (related) works of scientists, research methods, procedures, measurement parameters, etc.

- Materials and Methods. Should consist of a description of the materials and progress of the work, as well as a full description of the methods used.

- Results. The research paper describes the stages and steps of the experiments, the intermediate results, and the rationale for the overall conclusion in the form of a mathematical, physical, or statistical explanation. Conducted research is provided in a visual form not only experimentally, but theoretically as well. These can be tables, charts, graphical models, graphs, diagrams, etc. Formulas, equations, figures, pictures, and tables should have captions or headings.

- Discussion. The Discussion section provides analysis and discussion of your research findings. Conclusions on the results obtained during the research are given, the main point is disclosed. And this is one of the most important sections of the paper. In this section, you need to analyze the results of your work and discuss the relevant results in comparison with previous work, analysis, and conclusions.

- Conclusion. Abstracts about the main achievements of the conducted research are collected. They can be presented in writing and in the form of tables, graphs, figures, and statistical indicators that characterize the identified main patterns. The conclusion should be presented without interpretation on the part of the authors.

- Acknowledgements / funding information (if available).

- Bibliography.

The bibliography of the journal should include only those sources cited in the text of the article. Before compiling the list, make sure to check that all the sources listed have been cited in the article. Domestic sources, including works based on domestic research and publications, are also a requirement. In addition, sources from international scientific databases such as PubMed, Scopus or Web of Science, containing a wide range of scientific publications and studies conducted in different countries, should be added to the reference list.

The bibliography should be arranged in accordance with GOST 7.5-98; GOST 7.1-2003. All references should be given in the original language. References and footnotes given in the article are numbered and enclosed in square brackets. In case of presence in the list of references of works presented in Cyrillic, it is necessary to present the list of references in two variants: the first - in the original, the second - in Romanized alphabet (References) (recommended free site for transliteration from Russian to Latin, from Kazakh to Latin

- References (bold, 14 point font).

Romanized reference list should look as follows: author(s) (transliteration) → title of the article in transliterated version → [translation of the article title into English in square brackets] → title of the Kazakh- or Russian-language source (transliteration, or English title - if available) → output data.

You can see the sample formatting of the reference list and References by following the link:

A separate page provides information about the author (for publication in the "Our Authors" section):

Information about authors includes the following elements:

In Kazakh: - аты, әкесінің аты және тегі; – ғылыми атағы, ғылыми дәрежесі (бар болса); – лауазымы немесе кәсібі; – жұмыс орны (ұйымның атауы); – қаласы, елі; – электрондық мекенжайы (e – mail); – телефон нөмірі (ұялы).

In Russian: – имя, отчество и фамилия; – ученое звание, ученую степень (при наличии); – должность или профессию; – место работы (наименование организации); – город, страна; – электронный адрес (e-mail); – номер телефона (сотовый).

In English: - - name, patronymic and surname; - academic title, academic degree (if any); - position or profession; - place of work (name of the organization); - city, country; - electronic address (e-mail); - telephone number (cellular).

The name of the author(s) should be given in the nominative case. All information should be given in full form. Information about authors is given in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English).

Electronic version of the article is accepted via the journal's website:

Contacts: 87172725882

Requisites: RNN 600900611860, BIN 080940006848, IIC KZ44826Z0KZTD2004082, BIN 080940006848, KBE 16, BIK HSBKKZKX, JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan

Articles should be carefully checked and edited by the authors. Articles that are not in compliance with the requirements for publication will not be accepted. The editorial office does not engage in literary and stylistic processing of the article.