Improving career guidance in secondary education organizations


  • Madina Tynybayeva National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin
  • Marzhan Galimzhanova National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin
  • Anar Tastanova National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin



career guidance work, career guidance teacher, professional orientation, information, counseling, diagnostics


The article considers one of the important topical directions of modern education – the improvement of career guidance in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The institutional prerequisites for the development of new approaches to career guidance work, the construction of effective professional orientation of schoolchildren as a prerequisite for their professional self-determination and achieving a state of success in the field of vocational education are revealed. For the development of career guidance work in secondary education organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the ways of performing tasks that should be implemented aimed at solving the problems of professional orientation of students are shown. A group of approaches to improving career guidance activities has been identified, taking into account the diversity of its content and results, the scale of goals and tasks being solved to achieve a qualitatively new career guidance for young people, which directly depend on the objectively prevailing socio-economic conditions of a particular society. In addition, the main directions in the work of a career guidance teacher are presented.



How to Cite

Tynybayeva , M., Galimzhanova , M., & Tastanova , A. (2023). Improving career guidance in secondary education organizations. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 106(3), 157–167.



Nurturing and personal development