Fundamentals of increasing the educational potential of historical knowledge in terms of values in the educational process


  • Ainur Arkhymatayeva National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin
  • Mahsat Alpysbes L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Mustafa Gokce Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Turkey, Mugla.



History Education, Spiritual Values, History Lesson, Value Education, National Values.


In the educational process, much attention is paid to the integration of the educational content of the educational subject on the basis of values. Therefore, in modern socio-cultural conditions, the relevance of the definition of national and universal values is growing. Attention to values and their understanding is of particular importance in the turning points of history. Addressing our current national values should become one of the most important principles of state policy in the field of Education.  Each teacher should be guided by the educational opportunities of students through history lessons. The article discusses the directions of education in history lessons: civil and patriotic education, education of general cultural and spiritual values, moral education in history lessons, Labor Education aesthetic education, law education the basics of determining the educational tasks of history lessons on the basis of work with local history materials. During the interview with subject teachers in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who form a working group to improve the content of standard educational programs in history, issues of increasing the educational potential of the content of Education based on the goals of training in the educational post were identified. The article discusses the integration of values in the content of education in history lessons, methods used in teaching values in history lessons, increasing value in history lessons.



How to Cite

Arkhymatayeva , A., Alpysbes, M., & Gokce, M. (2023). Fundamentals of increasing the educational potential of historical knowledge in terms of values in the educational process. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 106(3), 77–87.



Teaching methodology