German education in projection on modern education in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Aigul Bizhkenova L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University



German education system, individuality of the learner, multicultural education, dual education, school laboratory


The article "German education in projection on modern education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" presents a comparative analysis of the educational systems of Germany and the Republic of Kazakhstan with a focus on modern trends and prospects of development. The article considers the peculiarities of the structure and organization of educational institutions, including primary, secondary and higher education. Aspects of the assessment system, career guidance, as well as the role of the teacher and pedagogical standards are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the experience of school science laboratories in German universities and its possible application to the development of research activity of schoolchildren in Kazakhstan. The authors of the article draw conclusions about the potential of this experience to improve the education system in Kazakhstan and express confidence in its value for the training of future professionals. The analysis allows to allocate perspective directions of development of education in Kazakhstan taking into account the best aspects of the German system.



How to Cite

Bizhkenova , A. (2023). German education in projection on modern education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 106(3), 42–54.



Educational policy, innovation and digitalization in the educational process