Visualization of educational material: psychological and didactic requirements


  • Tolkyn Aitkazina Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Expertise of Education Content
  • Sayat Omarov Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Expertise of Education Content
  • Tulegen Smataev Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Expertise of Education Content



оқу материалдарын визуализациялау, оқулық, талаптар, мәтіннен тыс компонент, иллюстрация


The article outlines the requirements for the visualization of educational material, the importance of using illustrative material in a textbook when studying new material, the pedagogically correct choice of visual elements and maintaining a balance between text and non-text components. It is important to ensure the harmony of textual and illustrative material based on design principles (balance, hierarchy, space, scale and harmony, color saturation and uniform design style). The purpose of the article is to provide methodological assistance to authors on issues that should be taken into account when using educational materials, including illustrations in textbooks. In the course of the study, an analysis of domestic and foreign textbooks on biology, history, geography, and compliance with the above requirements was carried out. In the course of the analysis, in comparison with foreign textbooks, domestic textbooks revealed such shortcomings as non-compliance with the principles of design, balance between text and illustration, misuse of illustrations, etc. A review of domestic scientific publications, literature in the scientific databases of Scopus and Web of Science on the visualization of educational material is carried out, pedagogical and psychological requirements for the out-of-text apparatus are determined. We hope that the recommendations presented in this research paper will help textbook authors and illustrators when developing school textbooks.



How to Cite

Aitkazina, T., Omarov , S., & Smataev , T. (2023). Visualization of educational material: psychological and didactic requirements. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 106(3), 11–22.



Educational policy, innovation and digitalization in the educational process