On the issue of studying the attitude of teachers to pedagogical certification in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Gulnara Abisheva Kazakh League of Education Experts
  • Arstan Satanov Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn"
  • Gulnara Khasanova Higher Pedagogical College, Shchuchinsk city
  • Kunsulu Isentaeva JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu" Institute for Professional Development in the city of Astana




pedagogical certification, teacher assessment, online survey of teachers, certification rules


The aim of the article is to conduct an online survey among teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan to study their views and experiences regarding the current process of pedagogical certification, and based on the data obtained, develop reasonable proposals for improving this process. A literature review on this topic has shown that effective teacher assessment is a key component of successful educational systems. The research highlights the importance of teacher assessment for their professional growth and school improvement, starting with preparatory programs. The main objectives of the assessment are defined as formative and summative, an adequate assessment model contributes to an equitable distribution of the quality of teachers. Thus, when revising the mechanisms of pedagogical certification, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively and systematically, All interested parties should be involved in this reform, and the process of assessing the professionalism of a teacher should be implemented from the time of training a specialist at a university or college, when applying for a job, within schools, outside the school system, throughout the entire professional activity, which will ensure the quality of education provided in the country, since it is the professionalism of teachers that is the main factor in improving the education system and its effective functioning. As a result of the online survey, respondents indicate the need to improve the certification of teachers, including the stability of requirements, the availability of resources, the objectivity of assessment, and taking into account the specifics of work. They put forward proposals to simplify the process, differentiate requirements, consider the terrain, and improve information support. Systematic analysis of data and consultations with experts are necessary for the scientific analysis of pedagogical certification and developing recommendations for its improvement.



How to Cite

Abisheva, G., Satanov, A., Khasanova, G., & Isentaeva, K. (2023). On the issue of studying the attitude of teachers to pedagogical certification in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 106(3), 23–41. https://doi.org/10.59941/2960-0642-2023-3-23-41



Educational policy, innovation and digitalization in the educational process