Payment for Publication

Payment for publication is made by authors only after passing the review procedure and a favorable decision on the manuscript acceptance for publication by the editorial board.


Cost of publication in the journal according to the approved price list:

For authors of external organizations – 2000 tenge per page.

For authors of the National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin – 1000 tenge per page.


Bank account details:

RSE on REU "National Academy of Education named after Ibray Altynsarin" of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Index: 010000

Legal address:

Astana city, Mangilik El Avenue, 8/2

BIN: 080940006848

RN: 600900611860

IBAN: KZ826010111000202462


Bank: JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan"

KBE: 16
КНП: 859
Purpose of payment: For the publication of the BILIM journal, full name