Methodology for applying cognitive computer technologies to intensify the study of physics at school




digital gaming technologies, Minecraft platform: Education Edition, cognitivism, constructivism, didactic content, didactic resource, intensification of the educational process


The article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the use of cognitive computer technologies as a didactic resource for the intensification of the educational process in physics at a pedagogical university. The purpose of the study: development, application and evaluation of the effectiveness of the Minecraft: Education Edition gaming platform to intensify the process of studying physics at a pedagogical university by the example of studying selected topics in the course of atomic and nuclear physics. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the state of the problem and the experience of using gaming computer methods in the regional school education system based on a survey and questionnaire of teachers of schools and universities, as well as students. The level of influence and relevance of digital gaming technologies in the format of cognitive didactics on academic results, interest and motivation of students to study in subjects of the natural science cycle were assessed. As a result of testing the developed learning technology on the Minecraft: Education Edition gaming platform, the effectiveness of its application in the educational process of training future physics teachers has been verified. The results of the study are presented on the example of the technology of using the platform game "Minecraft: Education Edition" to study selected topics in the course of atomic and nuclear physics. The article shows the goals and objectives, the algorithm of cognitive technology corresponding to the psychological patterns of learning, as well as the system of hard, soft and meta –skills being formed as learning outcomes when performing constructivist tasks in the format of a computer platform. The results of the study are relevant and useful for methodologists and teachers of pedagogical universities to intensify the educational process based on the use of computer gaming platforms.



How to Cite

Kissabekova , A., Enders, P., Nurumzhanova , K., & Tkalich , Y. (2024). Methodology for applying cognitive computer technologies to intensify the study of physics at school. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 111(4), 137–150.



Teaching methodology