Experience in the development of functional literacy based on the improvement of methodological work andeducational and methodological support


  • Gainigul Ismailova Shakarim University of Semey
  • Karakat Nagymzhanova Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov
  • Klara Khasenova Shakarim University of Semey




functional literacy, project, complex content, educational and methodological support, skills and competencies


The article presents the experience of developing functional literacy based on improving the methodological work of educational and methodological support.  The authors emphasize that functional literacy is a complex, multifaceted, long-term process that is an important key element of modern education, contributing to the successful socialization and integration of individuals into society. The article focuses on the need to require educational systems to review traditional approaches and introduce innovative techniques aimed at developing the skills necessary to solve the challenges of everyday life and successfully adapt to the future. The research materials were a modern review of Russian scientific literature, as well as material from practical testing of theoretical ideas and scientific and methodological seminars "Formation of functional literacy of secondary school students in lessons on language cycle subjects" during 2022-2024 on the basis of secondary educational schools in Beskaragai, Abai, Ayagoz and Kokpektin districts, Semey city, Abai region and other educational institutions and conducting 2 advanced training courses. At the end of the article, a conclusion was made confirming that modern approaches and corresponding interactive methods are relevant for the development of functional literacy.



How to Cite

Ismailova , G., Nagymzhanova , K., & Khasenova , K. (2024). Experience in the development of functional literacy based on the improvement of methodological work andeducational and methodological support. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 111(4), 115–126. https://doi.org/10.59941/2960-0642-2024-4-115-126



Teaching methodology