Educational programs for personification of continuous professional development of teachers in conditions of self-managed training


  • Alma Murzalinova National Center for Professional Development «Orleu»
  • Roza Ashimbetova Pavlodar Branch of the Institute of Professional Development at the National Center for Professional Development «Orleu»
  • Aliya Imanova Akmola Branch of the Institute of Professional Development at the National Center for Professional Development «Orleu»
  • Aigul Zeinelova Akmola Branch of the Institute of Professional Development at the National Center for Professional Development «Orleu»



continuous professional and pedagogical development, personification of professional development, course of actual professional development, educational program, self-development strategies, self-governing teachers, individual choice, facilitators


The content of the article meets the research, the purpose of which is to create a system of continuous professional development of teachers in the aspect of education for a complex world. The article presents the results of the study - the scientific and methodological foundations for the development of educational programs for the course of actual professional development. The purpose of educational programs is to develop the competencies of continuous professional development through the development of self-development strategies for self-management with professional and personal growth in the direction of sustainable improvement of educational practice and career and educational growth. The development is based on the idea of ​ ​ personalizing training, implemented through the individual choice of teachers by students and their mastering - in cooperation with trainers and course facilitators - self-development strategies, which makes it possible to adapt the educational process to eliminate professional deficits through organized professional development processes. Approbation of the developed educational programs of the «Improvement through Development» complex (for teachers, moderators, expert teachers, research teachers and master teachers) allows us to formulate the following conclusions. Training in self-development strategies is effective due to subjectivity: mastering the selected strategies meets the promotion of certified teachers in the educational and career trajectory. Such training forms self-governing teachers who are able to independently determine the goals, content and pace of their training, create educational products that are in demand in practice, immerse themselves in various educational experiments that ensure holistic development based on metacognition and metacognitive skills. The continuity of professional development is ensured by practice-oriented training in the context of professional and pedagogical conditions through experience and action and the exchange of them, as well as in the integration of resources of formal, informal and informational education for the implementation of learning models «lifelong learning», «lifetime learning», «lifedeep learning».

Keywords: continuous professional and pedagogical development, personification of professional development, course of actual professional development, educational program, self-development strategies, self-governing teachers, individual choice, facilitators.




How to Cite

Murzalinova, A., Ashimbetova , R., Imanova , A., & Zeinelova, A. (2024). Educational programs for personification of continuous professional development of teachers in conditions of self-managed training. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 110(3), 148–162.



Continuing teacher education