Readiness of teachers to work in inclusive education: analysis of professional development needs


  • Laura Butabayeva National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin
  • Gulbarshyn Nogaibayeva National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin
  • Svetlana Ismagulova National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin
  • Barysgul Kenges National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin



inclusive education, special educational needs, professional readiness of teacher, psychological-pedagogical support, curriculum adaptation, inclusive competence of the teacher


Integration of children with special educational needs into an inclusive educational environment is one of the current challenges for the education system both nationally and globally. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of teachers' readiness for inclusive education and identify their professional needs for successful implementation of inclusive practices in schools. The study involved 16,355 teachers from 20 regions of Kazakhstan. The results of the survey showed that 70% of respondents have an insufficient level of knowledge about the peculiarities of teaching children with special educational needs, which hinders the effective implementation of inclusive practices. It was also revealed that the majority of teachers are focused on the medical model of understanding special educational needs, which limits the completeness of inclusive approaches. Based on the findings, it is recommended to strengthen professional development programs for teachers, increase their inclusive competence and develop cooperation between all participants of the educational process. Successful building of an inclusive education system in Kazakhstan requires a systematic approach that includes quality training of teachers, scientific and methodological support and active collaboration with all stakeholders. The materials of the article will be useful for teachers, school managers, educational program developers, policy makers and researchers interested in developing inclusive education and improving inclusive competence of teachers.



How to Cite

Butabayeva, L., Nogaibayeva, G., Ismagulova, S., & Kenges , B. (2024). Readiness of teachers to work in inclusive education: analysis of professional development needs. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 110(3), 118–129.



Special and inclusive education