The research activity of a teacher in the system of continuing education as one of the forms of professional development
research, self-education, activity, continuing education, trainingAbstract
The article considers the importance of the research activity of a teacher in the system of continuing education as one of the forms of professional development. The development of education makes it more and more urgent today to solve the problem of the teacher's professionalism and the level of his competence. This is due to the fact that society is aware of the need for qualitative improvement of education, its focus on expanding the capabilities of the individual. These expectations, depending on social needs and new opportunities for personal realization, necessitate the creation of an effective mechanism to identify the specific professional capabilities of each teacher and the prospects for his growth. Therefore, in the article we formulated such a goal; defining the role of a teacher's research activity in the system of continuing education as one of the forms of professional development. The research competence of a teacher is an integral part of professional competence, and ensures its effectiveness – this is a characteristic of the teacher's personality, meaning possession of skills and methods of research activity at the technological level in order to find knowledge to solve educational problems, build the educational process in accordance with the values-goals of modern education, the mission of the organization of education, the desired educational result. The professional development of a teacher is of paramount importance in the development of society as a whole: the personality of a teacher, as well as his professional knowledge, is the value capital of society. A teacher is able to convey to students only those value orientations that are inherent in himself. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to systematically improve their professional level and implement the concept of continuing education.