Using of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in education: literature review


  • Aigul Sadvakassova National Academy of Education named after Altynsarin
  • Aliya Kydyrbekova L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University
  • Oguz Chetin Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University



virtual reality, artificial intelligence, educational resources, educational process, secondary education


Many individuals believe that new technology has been a transformative force in the field of education. Various technologies have been integrated into educational process in order to identify its capacity of enhancing student-learning experience. According to the newest studies, some recently developed technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to significantly improve teaching and learning processes.  The article considers the relevance of using virtual reality and artificial intelligence resources in education. With the help of systematic literature review, this article provides a cumulative meta-analysis of works of a number of scholars who examined the influence of application of VR and AI on student learning experience. The authors found that the advantages of integrating these technologies into educational process are based on the increase in students’ interests in the subject, the effectiveness in explaining complex topics, and the formation of a culture of openness to new technologies. The conclusions of the article contribute to the expansion of local academic understanding of this topic and are also useful for decision-makers in the field of secondary education and higher educational institutions which integrate educational technologies




How to Cite

Sadvakassova , A., Kydyrbekova , A., & Chetin , O. (2024). Using of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in education: literature review. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 110(3), 10–18.



Educational policy, innovation and digitalization in the educational process