Use of digital technologies in teaching Abai's works in secondary school


  • Kuralay Utepbergenova KSU "Secondary School №42" State Institution "Education Department of Aktobe city"
  • Bibigul Tulebayeva KSU "Secondary School №42" State Institution "Education Department of Aktobe city"
  • Aray Ismailova SCP on PCV "School-gymnasium №87 named after Abai Kunanbaev"



Abay Kunanbaev, digital technologies, virtual reality (VR), interest in learning, digital competence


In the modern education system digital technologies play an important role, especially widely used in teaching subjects at the secondary school level. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of virtual reality (VR) technologies on students' motivation and interest, learning outcomes and digital competencies in the process of teaching Abai Kunanbayev's poems dedicated to the seasons. The study was conducted with 6th grade students of Astana and Aktobe cities. VR-technologies were used in the experimental group and traditional teaching methods were used in the control group. According to the results of the study, it was found that training with VR-technologies increases interest and significantly improves the level of understanding of educational material. The use of VR-technology also increased the level of comprehension of the lesson materials. This study showed that the future of effective use of VR technology in the educational process is bright. The small number of participants and focus on only one academic discipline were identified as limitations of the study, future research in this area is suggested to be expanded.



How to Cite

Utepbergenova , K., Tulebayeva , B., & Ismailova , A. (2024). Use of digital technologies in teaching Abai’s works in secondary school. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 109(2), 79–87.



Teaching methodology