Improving the quality of education through the formation of functional literacy of students at biology lessons


  • Gulsara Nurmaganbetova KSU "Gymnasium named after Abai for gifted children"



functional literacy, text work, words in the text, research work


The purpose of this work is to improve the quality of education through the formation of functional literacy of students. The relevance of the research work is the need to identify ways to develop functional literacy of students, to develop methods and forms. The study was conducted in Abai gymnasium for gifted children in Pavlodar. To determine the functional literacy of students in biology lessons 67 students of 6, 8, 9 grades were surveyed. According to the results of the survey it was found out that schoolchildren when working with the text have difficulties with the allocation of key words, search for the main idea of the topic and prefer to pay more attention to the development of research skills. To solve the above tasks, we developed tasks aimed at improving functional literacy of students in biology lessons, made lesson plans and conducted classes aimed at improving students' independent research skills through project activities, as well as at improving critical thinking, forming the ability to make the right decisions in various life situations. As a result of the research work the practical skills of students of project activity in the educational process, the ability to analyze, reason, demonstrate the completed work were formed. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that taking into account the age peculiarities of students the effective ways of forming functional literacy are considered and the stages of project activity are realized, lesson plans are drawn up, scientifically grounded motivated recommendations are given.



How to Cite

Nurmaganbetova , G. (2024). Improving the quality of education through the formation of functional literacy of students at biology lessons. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 109(2), 33–42.



Teaching methodology