Intercultural communication in education: a theoretical review


  • Айзат Арыстанбек Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы Ұлттық білім академиясы


intercultural communication, intercultural communicative competence, language education, English as a foreign language


  Abstract. In recent years, the cultural dimension of foreign language education has expanded its scope in the field of research. Today language teachers are expected to facilitate learners’ awareness of intercultural communication and develop their acquisition of intercultural competence. However, due to the growing number of studies in this field, most language teachers and students might face difficulties in understanding the concept of intercultural communication and its close connection to language learning and teaching. In addition, some teachers confront challenges regarding the development of appropriate teaching approaches and the preparation of engaging materials to raise learners’ intercultural awareness. Therefore, this theoretical paper intends to present an overview of the literature on this topic and provide an educational rationale for reinforcing intercultural competence, which is acknowledged as the major component of foreign language studies. The review discusses key features of integrating intercultural communication in language education and concludes by stressing that enhanced intercultural communicative competence is likely to facilitate more proficient and competent users of English as a foreign language.




How to Cite

Арыстанбек, А. (2023). Intercultural communication in education: a theoretical review. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 104(1). Retrieved from



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