Using the project method in computer science classes. Creating a mobile application in MIT APP INVENTOR


  • Болат Тасуов М.Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз өңірлік университеті
  • Гаухар Муратова
  • Рабия Сабирова


computer science, project, teaching methods, MIT App Inventor, app creation, school



Abstract. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that we live in an age of rapid development of technology and large amounts of information in various branches of knowledge. Of course, this fact is reflected in the system of education in general, and in the educational sphere «informatics» in particular. Obviously, there is an urgent need to modernize the content and search for pedagogical innovations, which should bring the quality of school graduates training in accordance with the demands of modern society. As applied to the school course of informatics, this will require mastering new concepts, introducing terminology related to the new capabilities of ICT, in particular mobile technologies. It is possible that this will require modernization of time-tested didactic principles and their implementation on a qualitatively new level. The aim of this review article is to study the process of using the project method in computer science classes. The object of the study is to create a mobile application in the MIT App Inventor environment. In our review article, we concluded that with MIT App Inventor, a high school computer science course will become engaging and filled with several computational concepts beyond programming, such as database, data transfer, project management, the essence of mobile apps, web services, and much more. Also in computer science design classes, students will be able to use MIT App Inventor support for rapid development to plan, implement, and test mobile apps as part of a teacher's assignment.



How to Cite

Тасуов, Б., Муратова, Г., & Сабирова, Р. (2023). Using the project method in computer science classes. Creating a mobile application in MIT APP INVENTOR. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 104(1). Retrieved from



Management in secondary education