Effective ways to introduce the legacy of Akhmet Baitursynov into the modern education system


  • Райхан Имаханбет Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы музей-үйі


Ұлт Ұстазы, ағартушы, реформатор-ғалым, Қазақ әліпбиі, Байтұрсынұлы емлесі, ұлт жазуының көшбасшысы, қазақ тіл білімі, қазақ терминологиясы


Annotation. The article analyzes the history of writing, publishing, circulation of the linguistic works of the legacy of Akhmet Baitursynov and the relevance of these works to nowadays. The viability of the enlightener's linguistic heritage affects the analyzed studies, as well as selected collections of textbooks by A. Baitursynov, republished after the return of the personality's name to the society. Special attention will be paid to the fact that the noble heritage left behind by the teacher of the nation has been the subject of study since 1992 and that independence, based on the modern system of teaching these works, is a guarantee of strengthening the foundations of science in the national identity during the period.



How to Cite

Имаханбет, Р. (2023). Effective ways to introduce the legacy of Akhmet Baitursynov into the modern education system. Scientific and Pedagogical Journal «Bilim» of the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, 104(1). Retrieved from https://bilim-uba.kz/index.php/science/article/view/14



Management in secondary education